Vera Mobile app
You can download Vera android and iOS app from respective store searching for Vera Mobile.
iOS App :
Android App :
Install the app and open it.

Create a user account if you already do not have an account or login if you are already a user.

The device added explained in section Error! Reference source not found. of user manual titled as “Registration of a new EzloPi device into Cloud and provisioning the device” will appear after getting logged-in to the app as below:

Tap into the device for entering into the device dashboard. You will see your dashboard as:

For checking the device that has been just added you can navigate to devices list from the menu as:

The added device will appear as:

This is the device that has been added as instructed in section 2 of user manual titled as “Interfacing a device”.
We can control the device from this UI itself or we can also add it in the dashboard shortcut for easy access and status.
For such we can add the device into the dashboard shortcut as:
1. Navigate to the setting on top Right corner of the app

2. Press an edit button on device widget

3. A new dialogue will appear with all the interfaced devices. Currently we have only one device in the name of LED. Select the device checking the radio button on the left to the Lamp icon and press save. Which will close the dialogue and you will see the lamp being added in the dashboard widget shortcut.

4. After it press done as shown in 5 and now this process completes.